CD Recording of: The Art of Authentic Charisma — Judith Lowe & PPD Learning

Judith Lowe & PPD Learning

Mastery and Artistry in NLP

We develop and inspire people in the world-wide field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) who want to explore, experiment, extend and enrich their skills to acquire expertise, mastery and artistry in NLP

CD Recording of: The Art of Authentic Charisma

CD Recording of: The Art of Authentic Charisma

from £40.00

Recorded 25-27 February 2011

The Art of Authentic Charisma 

Communicating with Confidence, Congruence and Impact

The quality of authentic charisma is often 'the difference that makes a difference' in our ability to positively influence, collaborate generatively and contribute to the growth and transformation of others.

Connecting to the source of your confidence and discovering the  'area of excellence' that is the foundation of your personal power will strengthen your effectiveness as a coach, trainer, manager and  professional communicator of any type.

Robert discuss how to bring out the best in yourself - your passion, determination, aliveness and grace - while  connecting more deeply to people in both your personal and professional life.

With Manual:

(c) 2015 Judith Lowe & PPD Learning -  Advanced NLP Skills Training