Interview with Dido Fisher NLP Trainer and Horse Whisperer about our upcoming NLP in Practice workshop 'The Artistry of Connection' — Judith Lowe & PPD Learning

Judith Lowe & PPD Learning

Mastery and Artistry in NLP

We develop and inspire people in the world-wide field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) who want to explore, experiment, extend and enrich their skills to acquire expertise, mastery and artistry in NLP

Interview with Dido Fisher NLP Trainer and Horse Whisperer about our upcoming NLP in Practice workshop 'The Artistry of Connection'

Interview with Dido Fisher about our upcoming NLP in Practice workshop

Aug 13, 201

NLP in Practice:
The Artistry of Connection with Dido Fisher

September 26th |
Huntswood, Ditchling Common, BN6 8SD


Super-earlybird tickets are now sold out! 

Limited Earlybird tickets on sale now for £145+VAT

NLP in Practice is our new series of events bringing to you workshops from our PPD Learning trainers and our associates  in the field to give you an experience of how people are using their NLP in practice. 

For the first of these events we are working with Dido Fisher who is a PPD Learning NLP Trainer and a Horse Whisperer. Dido is one of PPD's long term colleagues and associates and has been assisting on our Master Practitioner trainings and Masterclasses over the last 8 years.

NLP In Practice is an opportunity for you to see what our NLP Trainers are doing with their work and to experience the best of NLP in practice for yourself.

For those of you that haven't worked with Dido or met her on one of our trainings we caught up with Dido and asked her some questions so you can get to know her and her work better:

Interview with Dido Fisher

Dido Fisher: Horse Whisperer and NLP Trainer

What made you interested in NLP?

I became interested in NLP as I have been exploring trainings in many different fields of personal growth and development since my early 20s.  I have always been interested in getting to the source of what is often labeled and accepted as ‘human conditions’, and uncovering whether indeed these psycho-socio states were actually human conditions or cultural constructs of life that we call reality. NLP has been a bigger player in this research for me as it looks to identify the difference that makes a difference. 

How are you using your NLP?

I think once a subject, principle or process has deepened into the muscle, into the bones of the self, its effects are generative through all the one does. So as well as using NLP everyday in my daily work with clients, I’m aware that the choices I have available to me are partially due to the expansion created by my personal NLP work. It’s a virtual virtuous circle, the more I do with my myself, the more I am able to be a grounded model for my clients, and the more gravitas I have because my work is centered from my own personal commitment to change and expansion.

What are your personal favourite aspects of NLP?

I notice that the clarity of language patterns has really helped me in my work. I can see that the relationship I have to visual modalities has helped me build what is now a conscious conversation with myself.  I also feel that as my work is built so strongly around somatic integration, NLP has given me the tools to build a clear bridge for translation to other modalities that I find invaluable.

What are some of the fun aspects that you’ve ever had with your NLP in practice?

When I think about having fun in my NLP in Practice, I have hundreds of images flash through my mind of memories both as a facilitator and a subject. Without wishing to impose my map on others, I notice that for the most when change occurs the surge of energy, relief & achievement often leads to a wave of excitement, enthusiasm, fun and humour. So generally my clients and I find that change work is ultimately a lot of fun. Even when some very extreme emotions have been felt, at some point there tends to be much laughter.

What are your top tips for practitioners?

Listen, listen, and listen.
With every inch of your being, listen.
Listen with you ears, listen with your eyes, but 1st listen with your body. 
Let the client show you what they are trying to reveal to themselves. 

What does NLP in Practice mean to you? 

Bringing NLP to life, in life. NLP was never a static form but a live ever evolving practice.

How does your NLP in Practice sit alongside your work with horses?

My NLP practise has been running for as long as my studies in equine communication and the two are personally intertwined as i cross pollinate. I have been teaching one with the other for many years because at a fundamental position they directly correlate. I have found my mixed practise to speed understanding and deepen somatic integration, whilst removing blocks and adding a touch of wonder.

For more information and to book your place on this NLP in Practice workshop click here


Dido Fisher Biography:

Dido Fisher: NLP Trainer and Equine Behaviour Specialist

Dido is an accomplished trainer, facilitator and coach with 20 years experience of training across a variety of industries for high profile companies and organisations and has presented atconferences around the world. She is presently facilitating programmes around non-verbal communication skills for medical students and healthcare professionals at Kings, Barts, & St Thomas’s hospitals in London. As well as having worked with many well known organisations such as Specsavers, Amex, Reuters, & Llyods she has presented at many internaional conferences and works prolifically with inidviduals particularly around areas of confidence, health, creativity and special needs. She is a PPD Learning certified NLP Trainer and incorporates NLP thinking and techniques into all aspects of her work. For the same length of time she has practised NLP, she has also been an Equine Behaviourist and has been integrating these two practises for almost 2 decades.

Her trainings are often described as engaging, meaningful and fun. Dido has a passion for finding what makes learning valuable to a particular individual or group. She likes to cross-pollinate and share best practice across genres of industry, in order to support people’s accessibility and success in the ideas & visions that beckon them.

(c) 2015 Judith Lowe & PPD Learning -  Advanced NLP Skills Training