Communication — News and Articles — Judith Lowe & PPD Learning

Judith Lowe & PPD Learning

Mastery and Artistry in NLP

We develop and inspire people in the world-wide field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) who want to explore, experiment, extend and enrich their skills to acquire expertise, mastery and artistry in NLP

Filtering by Tag: Communication

We’re always communicating! – a brief, classic guide to being effective

In NLP we say ‘You cannot not communicate.’ – which comes originally from the philosophical and experimental  research by Bateson, Watzlawick, Jackson, Beavin Bavelas  et al, as they attempted to describe the indescribable – the interactional patterns, pathologies and paradoxes and what they called the ‘pragmatics’ of human communication.

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(c) 2015 Judith Lowe & PPD Learning -  Advanced NLP Skills Training