NLP Tips — News and Articles — Judith Lowe & PPD Learning

Judith Lowe & PPD Learning

Mastery and Artistry in NLP

We develop and inspire people in the world-wide field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) who want to explore, experiment, extend and enrich their skills to acquire expertise, mastery and artistry in NLP

Filtering by Tag: NLP Tips

We’re always communicating! – a brief, classic guide to being effective

In NLP we say ‘You cannot not communicate.’ – which comes originally from the philosophical and experimental  research by Bateson, Watzlawick, Jackson, Beavin Bavelas  et al, as they attempted to describe the indescribable – the interactional patterns, pathologies and paradoxes and what they called the ‘pragmatics’ of human communication.

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If Someone’s P*ssing You Off With Their NLP (and didn’t mean to) – is it NLP?

The foundation of NLP in practice is surely a fundamental emotional intelligence.

This tends to be coded at its simplest, in basic NLP terms, as rapport, calibration and state.

However, sometimes this seems to denote only a purely technical and instrumental procedure prior to committing NLP on someone!

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Enjoy Public Speaking with NLP -The 2 Biggest Fears (in 3 parts)*

Part 1. “Making a fool of myself”

Reframing and The Inner Game of Performance

Though at first, this advice may not seem specially super helpful, I think it’s only fair to point out that, depending on what you mean by “making” and “fool” ,  it happens.  We can sometimes actually get it wrong, we can…

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Is there Life and Learning after Master Practitioner?

Especially if you don’t want to be a trainer or therapist? Do we, as a field, have any plans for this?

Maybe you’ve done your training, you’re still excited about learning NLP, but somehow never get round to really challenging yourself to take your learning to the next level?

Or you’ve done a couple of the shorter courses and you believe, and in some cases have been told, that you are pretty much ready to call yourself an expert? (yikes!)

Maybe you just don’t know there’s anywhere else to go?

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(c) 2015 Judith Lowe & PPD Learning -  Advanced NLP Skills Training